A west African girl, ingrained in American Culture, committed the journey to actualizing her musical dream. A girl who’s seen the world and lives to tell her tales of love, heartbreak, self actualization, daily struggles, small wins that are yet so big, and overwhelming passion to the tunes of her sultry voice, from the depths of her heart and all encompassing soul. “What makes music worth making is the ability to pull heartstrings and connect with listeners from near and far as you pour your heart into every note. It is a big world, yet we are one community. My story is yours, and your story is mine. So let’s find each other in the musical notes that play, and take away the stress as we hum the tunes away, and fill instead with love, hope and passion as we know we are not alone. As different as we can be, we certainly can dance to the same tune” – her name, is CZK
Be one with it & let your body and soul feel the rhythm.